We are delighted that 2022 offered the opportunity for all LOCOTACT members to finally meet in person for our 2nd annual LOCOTACT retreat and we wish to thank each and every one cordially again for the participation.
After all the covid-related limitations, it was highly motivating and refreshing to see so many LOCOTACT members in Münster.
Especially the scientific work conducted and presented by our younger LOCOTACT members left a lasting impression.
We want to congratulate you for the achievements and strongly encourage you to proceed with such enthusiasm in your Master, PhD, MD theses and PostDoc projects.
The poster sessions have been on a remarkable high scientific level and four outstanding presentations could be awarded with poster prizes. Congratulations!
LOCOTACT is truly evolving in a scientific and personal manner. With enthusiasm we are looking forward for upcoming excellent scientific publications resulting from collaborations across the projects and research sites.
LOCOTACT projects will substantially contribute to the knowledge of rare and common diseases and we aim to apply novel technologies to push the boundaries.
We are convinced to be on the right track with our LOCOTACT projects and strongly encourage you to carry on full speed and with the positive spirit we experienced during the retreat.