
Dear patient,

As a maximum care hospital, the Universitätsklinikum Essen (University Hospital Essen) is the hospital for the Ruhr Metropolitan Region. Every year our hospital treats about 49,000 in-patients in approx. 1300 beds, and about 163,000 patients are treated as out-patients. Experts in different disciplines enable excellent interdisciplinary diagnostics and treatment based on state of the art research. Inquiries from abroad are dealt with at the University Hospital by the Foreign Patient Service (FPS).
Our work includes

contacting the specialist departments,
preparing cost estimates,
scheduling treatment or diagnostics and
invoicing and/or administering money paid in.

Please email your inquiry to: foreign-patient-service@uk-essen.de

Everything at a glance: Your guide

Ilona Hildebrandt
Tel.: 0049-201-723-3167
Benjamin Skoda
Tel.: 0049-201-723 – 2832
Anna Vötsch
Tel.: 0049-201-723-1640

Universitätsklinikum Essen
Foreign Patient Service
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen