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Sebastian Hönes receives DFG funding

Congratulations to Sebastian Hönes, LOCOTACT PostDoc from P18.He was today granted a 3-year funding by the DFG for his project„The role of guanine-quadruplexes in cell type-specific transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of thyroid hormone receptors TRα1 and TRα2“ We wish him every success with this research project!

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First hybrid LOCOTACT lecture with Christoph Kuppe

We were very pleased that PD Dr.med. Christoph Kuppe, Division of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology from RWTH University, Medical Faculty, Aachen visited us in Essen for our LOCOTACT Lecture in October 2023. PD Dr. med. Kuppe talked about the research conducted in his lab including usage of multi-omics data and analysis of human FFPE tissue with the…

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Nature Communications Publication: Activation of maternal thyroid hormone receptor affects brown fat tissue in offspring

We congratulate LOCOTACT PI Jens Mittag for his recent publication in Nature Communications!He and his team found that thyroid hormones in the mother during pregnancy had an influence on the subsequent activity of brown adipose tissue in the offspring.  Abstract:„It is well established that maternal thyroid hormones play an important role for the developing fetus; however, the…

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Joint Online Event Series 2023 – Embedding gender equality in policy, management and personnel

The talk will discuss the extensive approach of the University of Graz to diversity and gender equality.Dr. Christoph Glatz will delve into specific interventions and tools employed by the University of Graz, offering insights into their successes and limitations. The key messages will emphasise the importance of accountability, monitoring, incentives, and…

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LOCOTACT Lectures – Alexandra Dumitrescu

The LOCOTACT Lecture in August 2023 was held by Prof. Dumitrescu from the University of Chicago. Under the title “The control of thyroid hormone levels by the deiodinases – lessons from genetic defects in humans and mice”, she explained the role of the deiodinases and their mutations in thyroid hormone metabolism at different stages…

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ETA Project Research Grant for LOCOTACT PostDoc Leonardo de Assis

Many congratulations to our PostDoc Leonardo de Assis (P13) for receiving this year’s ETA Project Research Grant (Basic). With this grant Leonardo receives 20.000 € for his research.  On behalf of all LOCOTACT members, we wish you every success with the project!

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LOCOTACT at 66th annual meeting of the Germany Society for Endocrinology (DGE)

The 66th annual meeting of the Germany Society for Endocrinology (DGE) took place from 05.-07. June 2023 in Baden-Baden. Many LOCOTACT researchers have been invited to give oral presentations and present posters.Oral presentations: Steffen Mayerl (Essen), Peter Kühnen (Berlin), Yara Maria Machlah (Essen), Jakob Gloge (Essen), Knut Mai (Berlin), Timo Müller (Munich)Poster presentations: Nuria López-Alcántara,…

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LOCOTACT Retreat 2023 & International Conference: 07. – 10.06.2023

Many thanks to the whole LOCOTACT consortium for your contributions at the 1st International LOCOTACT Conference as well as at our internal CRC/TR 296 Retreat! We could listen to great talks and poster presentations with lively discussions and many ideas and inspirations for the future! Congratulations again to Leonardo de…

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5-jähriges Jubiläum am Rare Disease Day 2023/SHG

Passend zum Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen am 28.02.2023 begeht die „SHG bei Schilddrüsenkrebs Essen“ ihr 5-jähriges Jubiläum.  Gegründet von Jens Müller, 48 Jahre, verheiratet, eine 13-jährige Tochter und selbst Patient mit einer seltenen Krebserkrankung, der MEN 2a und dem medullären Schilddrüsenkarzinom.   Unsere Selbsthilfegruppe kann sowohl für Erkrankte als auch für die Angehörigen sehr wichtig…

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JCEM’s Featured Article diese Woche in:

Wir freuen uns, dass der Artikel „Implications of a HbA1c-based Diabetes Screening on Prevalence and Effect of Dysglycemia in Patients With COVID-19“ diese Woche als JCEM’s Featured Article ausgewählt wurde und im Spotlight liegt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Der Artikel ist unter folgender Adresse zu finden: Link